Calleigh Constantine smiless for a moment and perks up again seeing Bogac, "Ah, Bogac, nice to see you."
Bogac Aeghin steps inside the shop, pushing half open door a little...he narrows his eyes to get used to the low light inside, turns left and sees Cal sitting on a chair by the table "Nice to see you too Cal, can i have a seat too?"
Calleigh Constantine nods, "By all means, make yourself comfortable my wolf friend."
Bogac Aeghin sits down on the chair, dropping his heavy body on it, "Thanks", he says and continues "This thing is going crazy Cal, and we seem to cross our arms and wait for the worst coming, without being able to do anything, I know you have tried, but didn't work..."
Calleigh Constantine sighs heavily, dropping her gaze, "I have tried my theory about trying to freeze the goo when I could-- didn't work out so well, had to basically drag myself back to the shop to heal. Those things, from what I can tell... we can't take out, physically or magically."
Bogac Aeghin nods as he listens Cal speaking "I know, though i can cut it into two to get past -tried that at the goo on churchs door- I myself can not completely lift the goo by magic, nor make it uneffective...but an idea came to my mind, also i have talked with Pix today about it, but I wanted to learn your idea too..", he taps his fingers on the sides of the leather couch, then lifts his mask a little above her nose...
Calleigh Constantine blinks, "I watched an elder Vampire try and get past it and was killed,." She runs her fingers through her hair ducking her head in thought as she began to murmur, "What was your idea? As of right now.. I'm running out how to fight the goo or either sides of our visitors."
Shayna Senne: Knock knock
Calleigh Constantine blinks and looks over for a moment, "Hellos.."
Bogac Aeghin makes a serious face and pauses a little to think..."A vampire? Glad to mother nature i am way strong then an elder vampire, and donated with such pysical strength, accompanied by protective and healing magical skills, though i lack of harming ones...", he flashes a smile suddenly "I also saw Pix wounded at the church after she tried to get past the goo at the door...", he crosses one leg over other and leans forward a little, then continues in a way quiet voice "I have an idea...We know who they are...black robed priests are Dagonites, how you call them...shadowmen? Dark traveller?", pauses and continues "And the colorful ones are Cthulhu priests...", stops and nods Shayna
Shayna Senne: I was talking to a Kitten earlier, but I can come back later
Shayna Senne nuzzles Bo and walks off

Calleigh Constantine nods, musing she meant Elroy, "Alright... take care miss." She looks to Bogac and nods slowly, "Yes Shadowmen... hell I tried to get into the church, and I'm probably one of the closest things to being part of the planet... I got nearly killed."
Bogac Aeghin avoids the nose of the kitty, and he is glad she went, turns and continues to talk..."I know, I just saw that shadowmen attacking two kitties...and I have just been glad i have left your meeting that they, and i will still say, I will not be in something leaded my them...", changes his stance a little because he feels his tail is stuck in the coach..."I think...if we can trap and catch one of them, we can have more information about how to stop this madness, but i am not sure we can stop them with physical attacks..."
Calleigh Constantine mutters, "Thats the problem: catching one. We could try the portals but it's tricking them into running into it..." Trails off for a moment, eyes sparking in thought, "Alright, I got a new plan for us. You know the portals? Why don't we get these guys into a fight with us, the fastest runners, and have them chase them around, and in the confusion, right into the portals. If my theory is right... their traps set by the Chtulhu!"
Pix Cazalet: Greetings again people
Calleigh Constantine glances back and nods to Pix, "Hey Pix."
Bogac Aeghin nods "That can be useful for us, but are you sure that portals will work? Because i saw them near the portals, and nothing happened, also they don't seem to be afraid of them too much", pauses as he remembers something..."Oh and enlightened by the recent reports i get from my family scouts and other members...The other ones...I mean other priests, of Cthulhu, maybe they can help us with this...But i am not sure where we can find them...They seems like apperar and puff, go...", pauses and nods Pix "Hey Pix"
Pix Cazalet tilts her head trying to make sense of the conversation
Calleigh Constantine leans back slightly in the chair, tipping it as she rests her hands behind her head, "Ideas how to capture one of the Shadowmen..." She looks back across to Bogac, smirking deviously, "Right, near, but have you ever seen one of them IN a circle yet?"
Pix Cazalet: May I ask why we're capturing a shadowman?
Calleigh Constantine: "Because they've out right began to attack people, including our own... something's up, they've never done that before.
Bogac Aeghin shakes his head "No Cal, you are right, i didn't see", turns to Pix "To get information, and stop them attacking to people, i just saw two of them attacking people physically Pix, not draining, attacking..."
Pix Cazalet: Who did they attack?
Bogac Aeghin: "Malinda and Elroy..."
Calleigh Constantine: Elroy and Malinda, not too long ago. It was Quiet and Pieter... if you could even call 'em that.
Pix Cazalet: Where is Elroy now?
Bogac Aeghin waits silently for Cal's answer
Calleigh Constantine: "She's resting in the back, Karen was taking care of her."
Pix Cazalet says quietly "have you spoken to her of the incident. As I recall Malinda has been provoking the shadowmen"
Calleigh Constantine shakes her head, murmuring, "No.. they didn't prevoke this time. They actually tracked the girls down."
Pix Cazalet nods and walks to the back "I'm going to talk to Elroy"
Bogac Aeghin shrugs "I don't know Pix, i have just saw them attacking, and draining power from them same way they did before", turns to Cal again "I don't want to take your time too much Cal, mine is just an idea, because we have to do something, i don't like the idea of sitting like this doing nothing...", stands up and gets ready to go
Calleigh Constantine nods as she taps her chin, murmuring, "I'm going to try my idea. They attacked one of my own, not to mention feeding from my home. It's unaccptable." She nods to him, "I will tell you how it works when I see you again, if I can track one down."

Bogac Aeghin nods politely "Thanks Cal, they have past the thin line with attacking one of us from the city, i will make my family know this also, for them to be prepared for the attacks...", bows his had and walks towards the door, then turns back "Take care Cal, see you soon, you know how to find me, if you have a result...."
Calleigh Constantine nods, "Take care Bogac, safe paths my friend."
Bogac Aeghin nods and walks out...