Bogac Aeghin bows "Oh how are you Pix?", he recalls she doesn't want to be called Miss or Ms. "It's nice to see you"
Pix Cazalet: You too Bo, all well your side of town?
Bogac Aeghin nods "Yes, just annoyed by a dark traveller yesterday, nothing more, i wonder why they keep bugging people, one of them said they can grant wishes, but i am not sure"
Pix Cazalet raises a brow "a dark traveller? First I've heard of one"
Bogac Aeghin: "Yes, enlightened with reports from the members of my family, i mean black robed priests, it seems like they can travel from body to body, means, Quite, Nikita and Pieter...they are not the ones we know in normal..."
Pix Cazalet smirks "well in the case of Nikita and Pieter, these might seem better than the original"
Bogac Aeghin flashes a wide smile to the joke "Oh, maybe, maybe worse..." crosses his arms "I wonder what we can do with them, catching one can give use really good information i think, but how? Thats the question...Physical force do not seem to effect them, but your magic? That can be an answer for our common cause", he stops walking back and forth like a tribal warrior, and puts his hands in his pocket, feels a tape he forgot in his pocket
Bogac Aeghin taps his left hand finger on his belly, and waits for Pix's answer...
Pix Cazalet shrugs "guess we could try magic"
Pix Cazalet: They're powerful though, I wonder if it would be effective
Bogac Aeghin nods "That's what i am afraid to ask too"
Pix Cazalet frowns "might be worth a try but....." sighs loudly
Pix Cazalet: Have you learned any more?
Bogac Aeghin: "But there may be a way to prison them, or better convince them to tell something to stop this madness, before the people in Toxia falls apart, seperates and fights each other for foul gods"
Bogac Aeghin nods "Colorful priests are working for Cthulhu, and black ones are working for Dagon, both sides are trying to recruit for a war, thats all i know"
Pix Cazalet: That's what I don't understand. What's got into people to believe that fighting is necessary
Bogac Aeghin: "Maybe magic, maybe offers, money, power, fun", shrugs "You know people are too much into fighting, and they are easily provoked in Toxia Pix", says with a serious face "I am sure someone can find people who would fight without any reason in this city, without any effort"
Pix Cazalet nods sadly "in this case they don't seem to think carefully about what they're fighting or even whether it will do any good"
Bogac Aeghin shakes his head a little for nothing, then taps his fingers on his jaw beard on his chin, then rubs them to his hair, like trying to give it a little style "We still don't have a solution which can lead us to victory against this things Pix, that is what annoyes me, we are not even one step forward from the first step, we are not doing anything for this cause", he raises his left hand as a fist "That grows the rage inside me, sitting on my butt, without being able to do nothing, without a fight!"
Pix Cazalet nods "I know just how you feel Bo, but I'm not sending mine to fight something without being aware of what we're fighting and why"
Bogac Aeghin raises an eyebrow and lowers his mask a little to be able to breath easily, because he feels a little congested "I know Pix, though we are much of a fighter type, and most of the time get into fights without estimating the power of the opponent, i can understand what you mean, but there must be a way to do it, with force, with magic, or with only pure wish...We have to ask the right questions, to be able to reach the solution, and the right question is 'How' i think in this matter..."
Pix Cazalet nods in agreement "how do we defeat two mighty opponents?"
Bogac Aeghin puts his hand back confidently "Waiting one to defeat other, then we can destroy the victorious one", sighs "Pix, I think there is a point you miss...", pauses a little to gather the right words "You see those priests? I mean black ones, they can 'drain' energy from someone...Think, If Dagon can give them this skill, he has to 'have' that skill too...So if it beats Cthulhu, Dagon will sure drain all the energy it has, and be twice powerful of before, and we will have to fight against it by ourselves, or be eaten by it, mentally or physically..."
Pix Cazalet throws up her hands in frustration "I don't have the answer Bo, but it seems to me that neither does anyone else. "
Bogac Aeghin shrugs "Forgive me Pix, maybe i have annoyed you, but these are my thoughts...I can be misleaded maybe...see you later"